Howz it hangin?

Hello again.  It’s been quite a while!  The CB-3000 has been in it’s nice, black felt bag for some months now.  And I’ve been hanging free (unlocked), which the wife lately doesn’t mind.  She even takes advantage of it on occasion, climbing atop (whether I’m awake or not) to please herself either by rubbing or intercourse.  My orgasm is still optional, of course.  We still run probably 2 or 3 of hers to one of mine.

I appreciate some of the recent comments.  And I’m honored to still be averaging over 50 views per day, despite no new recent postings.  I happened to be googling a few days back for my own interests, and found this blog listed in the top 30 for certain keywords.  Thanks for all the linking, folks!

I’ve been kicking around an idea for a multi-part story.  Would my dear readers be interested?  It would be fiction, and it would take some of the issues and fantasies explored in this blog (and others) to a new level.  I already have an outline, it seems to have layed out into about 12 chapters, each of similar size to my prior posts.  The plot will have some parallels to a few other stories I’ve read, but it will be all original content.

I’ll watch for some comments.  Thanks again for reading!

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